• Extractions Post Op

    Refrain from eating for at least 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off. The initial healing period usually takes one to two weeks, and you'll likely experience some swelling for the first forty-eight hours. Avoid chewing for two hours following surgery, or until the numbness has completely

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  • FAQ

    FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions How safe are dental X-rays? There is very little risk in dental X-rays. We are especially careful to limit the amount of radiation to which children are exposed. Lead aprons and high-speed film are used to ensure safety and minimize the amount of radiation. Back

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  • Facelift (rhytidectomy)

    Facelifts are performed to minimize prominent folds of skin near the chin, jaw line or neck. The procedures involve tightening (and, in some cases, removing excess) facial skin and muscles. In some procedures, fat deposits beneath the chin and neck are reduced, allowing the skin to reposition itself.

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  • Facial Liposuction

    Fat deposits, aging, or hereditary factors are some of the culprits that cause double chins, saggy jowls, or rounded faces. These deposits can be removed by a process called facial liposuction. The process involves removing fat deposits through a small tube inserted through small incisions along the

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  • Facial Pain

    Facial pain afflicts about 15 percent of the American population. People with facial pain suffer from such things as headaches, earaches, neck pain, and jaw tenderness. It can be caused by a wide array of factors, including sinus problems, an infected or impacted tooth, or other problems with the jaw

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  • Facial Reconstruction

    Many people think of facial reconstruction only being performed on individuals involved in traumatic accidents or fires. Although these individuals benefit significantly from facial reconstruction, there are other conditions that may necessitate such a procedure, including tumor removal, or correcting

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  • Facial Scarring

    Facial scarring is often caused by chronic acne, chicken pox, and facial trauma in general. A process called dermabrasion can minimize the scarring by using an abrasive device to mildly "sand" the skin to a smoother texture. Tattoos, wrinkles, age spots, and certain types of skin lesions can also be

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  • Facial Wrinkling

    Chemical peels are procedures that are sometimes used to restore skin that has become damaged by acne or wrinkled by age or other factors. Conditions such as dark facial pigments and keratoses (thick, rough, reddish growths), as well as freckles and age spots, also can sometimes be removed by a chemical

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  • Fillings

    Fillings How Teeth Are Restored After diagnosing the problem and devising a treatment plan, the next step to restore a tooth to health is to make you comfortable. We will give you a local anesthetic so that you do not feel any discomfort. After the decay is removed, the tooth is ready to receive

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  • Fillings

    Frequently asked questions: dental fillings Are dental amalgams safe? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam? Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries? Is there a filling material that matches tooth color? If my tooth doesn't hurt and my filling is still in

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  • Fillings

    Frequently asked questions: dental fillings Are dental amalgams safe? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam? Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries? Is there a filling material that matches tooth color? If my tooth doesn't hurt and my filling is still in

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  • Fillings

    Frequently asked questions: dental fillings Are dental amalgams safe? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam? Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries? Is there a filling material that matches tooth color? If my tooth doesn't hurt and my filling is still in

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  • Fillings

    Frequently asked questions: dental fillings Are dental amalgams safe? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam? Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries? Is there a filling material that matches tooth color? If my tooth doesn't hurt and my filling is still in

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  • Fillings

    Frequently asked questions: dental fillings Are dental amalgams safe? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam? Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries? Is there a filling material that matches tooth color? If my tooth doesn't hurt and my filling is still in

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  • Fillings

    Frequently asked questions: dental fillings Are dental amalgams safe? Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to amalgam? Is it true that dental amalgams have been banned in other countries? Is there a filling material that matches tooth color? If my tooth doesn't hurt and my filling is still in

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  • Fillings

    There are three basic kinds of fillings used to restore teeth after decay is removed: amalgams, composites and stainless steel crowns. Amalgams Most dental amalgams are silver in color and are made from a mixture of mercury and an alloy of silver, tin, and copper. Mercury makes up about 45-50 percent

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